stone and hard surface cleaning
If you book an appointment online we will call to confirm what you want done can be done in the time slot you chose.
Citro's Carpet Cops is dedicated to providing high-quality services to the Oklahoma Citro Metro (OKC) Area. Take a look below to find out what we specialize in, and get in touch with any additional questions or to learn more. We want you to be genuinely impressed with our skills and service. That why we have our:
Iron-Clad Money-Back Guarantee:
When we clean your Carpets, Tile, and Grout, Upholstery, Mattresses, or any other service we offer, and you are not thoroughly thrilled with what we did. We will come back do everything we can to fix the issue.
Then, If you still are not happy, we will refund your money and make a $50 donation to the charity of your choice.
Our Specials

Carpet Cleaning Special
3 Areas of Carpet Cleaning
For $125
**Up to 500 square feet**
With this special, you get our full 7 step carpet cleaning process in three rooms up to 500 sq ft. If the three rooms' overall size totals more than 500 sq ft there is an additional charge of 33 cents per sq ft for the overage.
Here is what we'll do:
Job Inspection - First we inspect the job by walking the rooms and check the floor to make sure it is in good repair, able to be cleaned, and we measure the rooms.
The Invoice - Once we see what you need to be done. We provide a written exact quote. We will never raise the price on you unless you ask for more work. We will ask you to sign the invoice acknowledging the work to be done and the amount charged.
Vacuum - We use a Kirby when we vacuum so the carpet fibers stand up more, making the next step more effective.
Apply pretreatment to all the carpet being cleaned and allow it to dwell for a few minutes before extraction, but not long enough for the pretreatment to dry.
Extraction - Using our truck-mounted Hot Water Extraction equipment, we will extract the carpet and will either use a regular scrub wand or a Rotovac. Taking the dirty water out to our truck and away with us when we leave.
Spot Cleaning - This is done on an as-needed basis while we extract the carpet.
Grooming/Finishing - Cleaning carpet leaves lines in the carpet that are removed by grooming with either a carpet rake or carpet broom. Grooming also resets the pile of the carpet so it will dry faster and have a better appearance after drying.
Tile and Grout Cleaning
3 Areas of Tile and Grout Cleaning For $225
**UP to 350 Square Feet**
**UP to 350 Square Feet**
This special is for cleaning up to 350 sq ft of ceramic or porcelain tile and the associated grout. If you have additional areas or square footage there will be an additional charge. This Tile and Grout Cleaning Special does not include natural stone or other types of porous flooring material.
Our Process:
First, we sweep the floor if needed.
Pretreatment- Then we apply a cleaning agent to the surface and allow it to dwell for 15 - 20 minutes. Dwell time is very important. It takes time for the cleaning agent to loosen the ground in dirt.
Scrub grout lines - with a grout brush. There are other tools that can be bought but nothing works as well as old-fashioned elbow grease and a brush when scrubbing grout lines.
Power Wash- Our Tile cleaning tool has a dome with two spray jets inside that spin and sprays water at 1500 psi to knock the dirt loose from the tile and a powerful vacuum to extract everything out to our truck. The floor should take an hour or so to dry
Grout Sealing (OPTIONAL) There is an additional charge of 50 cents per square foot for this service. We can seal your grout so that dirt will not build up in it.
Typically the floor will be ready for regular use within an hour after we are done. However, if we sealed the grout also, give the floor 24hrs before regular use.
Upholstery Cleaning Special
Sofa and Love Seat Cleaned for $225.00
There are three methods for cleaning Upholstery. Wet Cleaning, Dry Foam, and Dry Cleaning. This Upholstery Cleaning Special is for the Wet Cleaning Method ONLY. This method is the cheapest and most effective way to clean upholstery. However NOT ALL upholstery can be wet cleaned. So if there is an issue we will tell you before we start.
Included in the special is cleaning one sofa no longer than 7 linear feet and one Love Seat no longer than 5 linear feet. Both with attached back cushions and 2 medium throw pillows each.
The Process:
Vacuum - We clean out all the crevices where stuff falls.
Pretreat - Which is applying a cleaning agent and allow it to dwell for a little bit
Extract - Using an upholstery tool we apply water and extract everything back out to our truck through a hose.
Spot cleaning is done as needed.
Drying - Because of the low moisture upholstery is usually dry with an hour or two.
We’re proud to provide our clients with top-notch service. Our clients love working with us, many of them returning as repeat customers. Get in touch to let us know what we can do for you today.